Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dinosaur Biscuits

Now I did warn you that l would be back with another Gingerbread Biscuit post, my sons just love these biscuits and this is basically the only baked thing that they really like besides a plain Vanilla Cupcake.

Cooper is learning all about Dinosaurs at School, everyone was asked to bring something Dinosaur related for show and tell this week. So Cooper excitedly asked if we make some Dinosaur cookies to bring in.

On another note, my new Website is nearly up and running. Hopefully it should be finished by the end of next week, finally Will's IT business has come in handy!

We are off to Tasmania this weekend with some good friends for a tantrum oops I mean child free weekend.


Y x


  1. Awh, I saw these on Flikr yesterday and was amazed. They're so cute!

    Katie xox

  2. Thanks Katie! they are pretty adorable..
